Ákall eftir stuðningi um rétt stúdenta til atvinnuleysisbóta // Call for support regarding student's right to unemployment benefits
— English below —
LÍS kalla eftir stuðningi við kröfu stúdenta um fjárhagsöryggi með rétti til atvinnuleysisbóta í sumar. Skrifaðu undir hér.
Þrjár nýlegar kannanir benda til þess að það stefni í mikið atvinnuleysi á meðal stúdenta.
Samkvæmt könnun Stúdentaráðs Háskóla Íslands frá 6. - 8. apríl voru 40% stúdenta HÍ ekki komnir með sumarstarf en voru að leita sér að starfi.
Samkvæmt könnun Nemendaráðs Listaháskóla Íslands frá 17. - 21. apríl, voru 65,8% stúdenta LHÍ óörugg með vinnu í sumar.
Samkvæmt könnun Háskólans í Reykjavík frá 16. - 20. apríl var um helmingur stúdenta HR ekki kominn með vinnu fyrir sumarið.
Allar þrjár kannanirnar voru gerðar áður en gríðarlegt magn hópuppsagna fór af stað í íslensku samfélagi. Ef niðurstöður fyrrnefndra kannana eru yfirfærðar á hvern skóla í heild sinni eru þetta rúmlega 5.200 stúdentar frá Háskóla Íslands, 243 stúdentar frá Listaháskóla Íslands og 1.700 frá Háskólanum í Reykjavík sem eru ekki komnir með sumarstarf. Þegar seinni aðgerðarpakki ríkisstjórnarinnar var kynntur var gert ráð fyrir um 3.000 sumarstörfum en nýlega var kynnt að þetta verða um 3.400 sumarstörf. Ef atvinnuleysi meðal stúdenta verður í raun jafn hátt og ofangreindar tölur gefa vísbendingu um mun þetta úrræði duga skammt til.
Af launum fólks er greitt í atvinnuleysistryggingasjóð og tryggingarsjóð sjálfstætt starfandi einstaklinga, líka af launum stúdenta. Samt eiga stúdentar engan rétt á greiðslum úr sjóðnum vegna atvinnuleysis, þó þeir hafi unnið og greiðslur runnið í sjóðinn vegna starfa þeirra. Samkvæmt EUROSTUDENT VI vinna um 87% stúdenta í námshléum og um 68% með námi og styðja niðurstöður könnunar SHÍ frá apríl þær tölur en tæp 70% stúdenta HÍ vinna með námi. Fram til 1. janúar 2010 höfðu stúdentar notið verndar atvinnuleysistryggingakerfisins til fjölda ára. Sumarið 2009 áttu stúdentar því rétt á atvinnuleysisbótum. Eftir það var réttur stúdenta til atvinnuleysisbóta að sumri afnuminn án þess að LÍN hafi komið til móts við aðstæður og áfram eru greidd tryggingargjöld af launum stúdenta. Staðan er óviðunandi, snúa þarf til baka og veita stúdentum fjárhagslegt öryggi á þessum óvissutímum.
Veigamesta aðgerð ríkisstjórnarinnar þarf að vera að veita stúdentum rétt til atvinnuleysisbóta svo stúdentar hafi björgunarhring sem getur fleytt þeim í gegnum komandi öldurót.
The National Union of Icelandic Students call for support regarding its demand that students need to be ensured the right for unemployment benefits over the summer period. Sign the petition here.
Three recent surveys indicate that unemployment amongst students will be high.
According to a survey conducted by the Student Council of the University of Iceland from April 6th - 8th, 40% of UI students had not yet received a summer job, but were looking for a one.
According to a survey by the Student Union of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts from April 17th - 21st, 65.8% of IAA students had not yet received a secure summer job.
According to a survey by the University of Reykjavik from April 16th - 20th, about half of the RU students had not yet received a summer job.
All three surveys were conducted before a massive amount of group dismissals started in Icelandic society. If the results of the aforementioned surveys are transferred to each school as a whole, then these are over 5,200 students from the University of Iceland, 243 students from the University of Iceland and 1,700 from the University of Reykjavik who do not have summer jobs. When the government's second action package was announced, some 3,000 summer jobs were expected, but recently it was announced that around 3,400 summer jobs will be created for students. If unemployment among students is actually as high as the above figures indicate, this remedy will be short-lived.
A part of people's salaries are paid into the unemployment insurance fund and the insurance fund for self-employed individuals, including the salaries of students. However, students are not entitled to payments from the fund due to unemployment, even though they have been working and payments flowed into the fund because of their work. According to EUROSTUDENT VI, about 87% of students work during study breaks and about 68% work during the lecture period. These numbers are supported by the results of the Student Council of the University of Iceland´s April Survey which showed that almost 70% of UI students work during the lecture period. Until January 1, 2010, students had enjoyed the protection of the unemployment insurance scheme for many years. In the summer of 2009, therefore, students were entitled to unemployment benefits. After that, the right of students to unemployment benefits was abolished in the summer without LÍN meeting the circumstances. Students continued to contribute a part of their salary to the aforementioned funds. The situation is unacceptable, needs to be reversed and financial security has to be provided to students during these times of uncertainty.
The government's most important action must be to give students the right to unemployment benefits so that students have a safety net that can catch them if all else fails.