Ný framkvæmdastjórn tekin til starfa / New executive committee has taken over
Stjórnarskipti Landssamtaka íslenskra stúdenta áttu sér stað þriðjudaginn 25. júní.
Stjórnin var kjörin á Landsþingi í mars en eftir lærdómsríkt skiptatímabil er nú starfsárið 2021-2022 formlega hafið.
Í nýrri framkvæmdastjórn sitja:
Forseti: Derek Terell Allen
Varaforseti: Kolbrún Lára Kjartansdóttir
Ritari: Úlfur Atli Stefaníuson
Alþjóðafulltrúi: Erla Guðbjörg Hallgrímsdóttir
Jafnréttisfulltrúi: Jonathan Wood
Markaðsstjóri: Nhung Hong Thi Ngô
Gæðastjóri: Enn ókjörinn
New executive committee has taken over
The handover of power to the new Executive Committee of the National Union of Icelandic Students took place on Tuesday 25 June.
The Executive Committee was elected at the National Assembly in March, but after an instructive handover period, the operating year 2021-2022 has now officially begun.
The members of the new Executive Committee are:
President: Derek Terell Allen
Vice-President: Kolbrún Lára Kjartansdóttir
Secretary: Úlfur Atli Stefaníuson
International Officer: Erla Guðbjörg Hallgrímsdóttir
Equal Rights Officer: Jonathan Wood
Marketing Officer: Nhung Hong Thi Ngô
Quality Assurance Officer: Still unelected
The departing Executive Committee would like to thank all of our collaborators over the past year and wish the new EC all the best!