English translation to LÍS’s policies

LÍS’s policies are now available in English on our website. The Union is very grateful to Derek T. Allen for all the hard work he has put in translating the policies on Internationalization and Equal Eights in Icelandic Universities.

Link to LÍS’s policies in English below: 

The National Union of Icelandic Students’ Policy Regarding Internationalization in Icelandic Universities

The National Union for Icelandic Students’ Policy Regarding Equal Rights in Icelandic Universities

The National Union of Icelandic Students’ Policy on Quality in the Icelandic Higher Education Community

—— Íslenska ——

Stefnur LÍS á ensku eru nú aðgengilegar á vefsíðunni. LÍS eru Derek T. Allen innilega þakklát fyrir þá vinnu sem hann hefur lagt í að þýða stefnur um alþjóðavæðingu og jafnréttismál í íslensku háskólasamfélagi.

Enskar þýðingar af stefnunum má nálgast hér:

The National Union of Icelandic Students’ Policy Regarding Internationalization in Icelandic Universities

The National Union for Icelandic Students’ Policy Regarding Equal Rights in Icelandic Universities

The National Union of Icelandic Students’ Policy on Quality in the Icelandic Higher Education Community


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