Yfirlýsing um áhrif heimsfaraldursins á skólastarf

—English below—

LÍS vilja að farið er með skólastarf með ábyrgum hætti á meðan heimsfaraldurinn blasir við. Þess vegna hafa samtökin samþykkt yfirlýsingu með þeim vonum að hvetja háskólayfirvöld til skynsamlegra aðgerða. Yfirlýsingin í heild sinni finnst hér fyrir neðan og einnig á þessari slóð: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5507f2dfe4b0c945f1a3d7eb/t/619b7d4664bf3c1df76b5f17/1637580102459/%C3%81hrif+heimsfaraldursins+%C3%A1+sk%C3%B3lastarf.docx.pdf

LÍS wants for universities to behave responsibly while the pandemic is about. As such, LÍS has approved a statement with the hopes of encouraging university authorities to act wisely during this time. The statement can be seen below (in Icelandic) and also at this link (in Icelandic): https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5507f2dfe4b0c945f1a3d7eb/t/619b7d4664bf3c1df76b5f17/1637580102459/%C3%81hrif+heimsfaraldursins+%C3%A1+sk%C3%B3lastarf.docx.pdf


Mánaðarlegur pistill forsetans - 30. nóvember 2021


Alþjóðlegur dagur stúdenta / International Day of Students #DontCutOurFuture