Take Part! Join a committee in LÍS

Are you interested in volunteering? Are you enthusiastic about the fight for students’ rights? Do you want to have an impact? Do you want to work with students from all over the country, even the world?

The National Union of Icelandic Students (LÍS) is looking for people interested in joining the Union’s committees. The committees are: the Quality Assurance Committee, Legislative Committee, Finance Committee, International Committee, Marketing Committee, Equal Rights Committee and Event Management Committee.

What is LÍS?

The National Union of Icelandic Students, or LÍS, was founded November 3rd, 2013, and is an union for students of higher education in Iceland and for Icelandic students abroad. LÍS is an umbrella organization within which there are eight member unions that represent the students of the University of Akureyri, Bifröst University, the Agricultural University of Iceland, Hólar University College, University of Iceland, Reykjavík University, the Art Academy of Iceland, and for Icelandic students that study abroad. LÍS therefore represents about 20 thousand students.

Further information about the union can be found here

How do I apply?

Click the button above! Applications are open from August 24th until September 11th. Let us know which committee you are interested in, your name, education, experience of social activities and/or other relevant experience and a few sentences describing your motivation for applying. We encourage individuals of any gender to apply for the available positions. 

More information on the committees

Quality Assurance Committee

Are you passionate about  improving the Icelandic system of higher education? Then the Quality Assurance Committee is something for you. The Committee is responsible for the engagement of students in quality assurance nationwide and works closely with other units and institutions that work on the improvement of the quality of higher education. E.g. the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS) and the Quality Council of Icelandic Universities. All projects have a goal of promoting knowledge of quality matters among Icelandic students and inspire their participation. This is a unique opportunity to improve the quality of higher education in Iceland. There are three available seats in the Committee. 

If you wish for further information you can contact India Bríet Böðvarsdóttir Terry, the Quality Officer of LÍS. Email: india@studentar.is 

Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee reviews LÍS´s standing orders and procedures each year. It must be ensured that the standing orders are in line with the work of the organization and also that the organization follows them to the fullest. The Legislative Committee prepares amendments to the standing orders and proposes them to the Representative board. If they approve of the amendments, they get sent to the General Assembly for confirmation. Therefore the Legislative committee provides a great opportunity to improve the efficiency and general work of the association. The Legislative Committee wishes for applicants interested in law and legal amendments. Knowledge of law is not necessary, but beneficial. There are four available seats in the committee.

For further information you can contact Anna Kristín Jensdóttir, the Vice-Chairperson of LÍS. Email: annakristin@studentar.is 

The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee provides financial oversight for LÍS  as well as funding for the Union and its biggest events. It works closely with the Marketing Committee in organising and executing Union´s events. The Committee takes care of building up and maintaining cooperation between LÍS and companies through service contracts or grants as well as working on grant applications within bigger institutions. Apart from gaining grant application skills, it is also a great opportunity to meet other people and work together as a team. There are three available seats in the committee. 

If you wish for further information you can contact Alyona Samar, the Executive Director of LÍS. Email: alyona@studentar.is 

The International Committee

The International Committee is responsible for the international obligations of LÍS. It gathers knowledge from foreign student unions and brings that knowledge back to Iceland. The Committee prepares and processes international events attended by LÍS representatives, primarily under the European Student Union (ESU). They will also work on updating LÍS’s international policy. Through participation in the committee, members will gain insight into the work of LÍS, as well as the work of international student movements. The Committee is responsible for shedding light on opportunities regarding student participation in any kind of international student co-operation. The committee will, under the guidance of the International Officer, collectively shape the committee’s activities for the upcoming academic year. There are four available seats in the committee.

If you wish for further information you can contact Sylvía Lind Birkiland, the International Officer of LÍS. Email: sylvia@studentar.is

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee aims to promote the union within the Icelandic community and especially the university community. The committee manages the union’s website, social media and podcast, in collaboration with other officers and committees with regard to content. The committee plans and executes two marketing campaigns each year, that highlight specific issues concerning students’ rights and is also responsible for planning the union’s events along with the Finance Committee. Experience and/or knowledge of graphic design, writing and/or social media is an advantage. There are three available seats in the committee.

If you wish for further information you can contact Guðbjartur Karl Reynisson, the departing Marketing Officer of LÍS. Email: bjartur@studentar.is

The Equal Rights Committee

The Equal Rights Committee is involved in and responsible for tasks and events that LÍS undertakes that involve social justice-related affairs. The committee is responsible for overseeing that everyone is equal in all of LÍS’ affairs and shall guide and advise the Executive Committee of LÍS in matters of equality and equal rights. The committee will be working with the equal rights committees and officers of member unions as well as participating in other projects. There are three available seats in the committee. 

If you would like further information, you can contact Derek T. Allen, the Equal Rights Officer of LÍS. Email: derek@studentar.is


Taktu þátt! Opið fyrir umsóknir í nefndir LÍS


Samráðsfundur stjórnvalda: Að lifa með veirunni