Auglýsum eftir doktorsnema í undirnefnd Gæðaráðs íslenskra háskóla

Gæðaráð íslenskra háskólanna hefur falið LÍS að auglýsa eftir doktorsnema í undirnefnd sína sem fjallar um gæði rannsókna, Research Evaluation Advisory Committee (REAC).

Ath að staðan er til tveggja ára um og er að ræða sjálfboðavinnu.

Nánar um stöðuna má lesa fyrir neðan, upplýsingarnar eru á ensku þar sem vinnutungumál nefndarinnar er enska. Umsóknarfrestur er til 28. ágúst, sendið ferilskrá og kynningarbréf á gæðstjóra LÍS, Indiu Bríet Böðvarsdóttur Terry, en einnig má hafa samband við hana ef spurningar vakna.


The National Union of Icelandic Students, or LÍS - Landsamtök íslenskra stúdenta, have been asked to nominate a doctoral student as a member of the Research Evaluation Advisory Committee (REAC), a sub-committee of the Quality Board for Icelandic Higher Education. The application deadline is August 28th, to apply please send your CV and a cover letter to LÍS’s Quality Officer, India Bríet Böðvarsdóttir Terry:, and feel free to reach out to her with any questions about the position.

Here is more informaiton about the role of REAC:

The term is two years, it is an unpaid volunteer position.

With regard to Research Management

●      Supporting and offering guidance on the application of the Core Model of evaluation of research management in the QEF, considering the outcomes produced, and advising the

●      Quality Board on the further development of the model.

●      Ensuring that evaluations of research management complement the Quality Board’s and the

●      Quality Council’s focus on enhancing the student learning experience.

●      Hosting conferences in collaboration with the Quality Council on the evaluation of research management, to the extent resources permit.


With regard to Research Information

●      Advising on the development and use of the Icelandic CRIS system (PURE) to capture research activity.

●      Considering how a common data set on key figures from the HEIs published by MESC will contribute to the management and evaluation of research.

●      Advising the Quality Board on relevant key statistics on research performance and impact to gather from the Universities (in line with regulation 1368/2018)


With regard to Research Assessment

●      Supporting the development of research assessment that incorporates both the development of new knowledge and the use of existing knowledge for benefit beyond Universities – that is, the quality of research outputs and the reach and significance of research impact.

●      Providing guidance for the evaluation of research, especially taking into consideration international developments in the evaluation of research management and quality.



The normal working language of the Research Evaluation Advisory Committee will be English.


Samráðsfundur stjórnvalda: Að lifa með veirunni


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